Intermittent Fasting with mate
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Intermittent Fasting is a dietary method that alternates fasting and eating as time windows – every day! The frequency and length of the time windows depend on the method. Today, we’re going to go over the 16/8 method. This means that you fast for 16 hours and then have a window of 8 hours a day in which to eat. How one places these time windows is up to each person and can be adapted to their own daily routine. Most people who incorporate Intermittent Fasting into their lives often use a window of time from 8pm to 12am for fasting and the window of time from 12pm to 8pm for eating. Here, only breakfast is “skipped.” High-calorie drinks or small snacks during the fasting time window are absolutely taboo! Here one can fall back however to black coffee (naturally without milk) or to tea (without sugar), in order to satisfy its hunger, if it should rise sometime.
Naturally applies with this method likewise the golden rule for losing weight: “Take less calories to you, than you burn! It is just easier to keep the calories in check with this fasting variant, since you have a smaller period of time in which you are allowed to eat the food.
What are the benefits of Intermittent Fasting?
Unlike other “diet” methods, Intermittent Fasting does not restrict food choices. It can be used compatibly with all diets, such as veganism, paleo, vegetarianism. It is a different approach, but where weight regulation is also one of the main goals. Fasting allows more freedom in the eating window itself. Attention – of course, this does not mean that you can eat everything you want in the 8 hour food window. Again, for better and faster progress, stick to healthy and mostly unprocessed foods. With Intermittent Fasting, you have more control over the intake of your food and therefore the intake of your calories. In addition, it is also compatible with social life as you can eat big meals for lunch and dinner.
Afraid you won’t be able to get through the mornings without eating? – We explain how mate can help you with that!
How can Muy Mate help with Intermittent Fasting?
Mate tea is one of the low calorie drinks mentioned above, which you are allowed to consume during the fasting time frame. However, Muy Mate is not only one of the allowed drinks, but is also recommended by many, as mate is one of the so-called “natural appetite suppressants”. The caffeine in mate helps you feel less hungry. It also gives you enough energy for the morning and your daily tasks at work until your first meal.
However, mate is additionally more stomach friendly than coffee, as the substances are less acidic and much less likely to cause stomach problems or cramps.
If you want to support your Intermittent Fasting and health goals through exercise, mate is also a perfect aid for your fat loss. Consuming mate increases fat metabolism during exercise, which makes the combination of fasting and exercise the perfect solution for weight loss.
This means you should not only fast, but also exercise at least 3 times a week for better results, while meeting your protein needs to maintain your muscles.
What kind of interaction can be achieved?
If your goal is weight loss, you need to be consistent with fasting and exercise. The most important thing is that you first choose the time slots for you so that they fit perfectly into your daily routine. Then you should determine your daily calorie consumption (there are numerous websites for this). To lose weight you should reduce your calorie consumption by about 300-400 calories. At the same time you should also make sure that you consume at least 1.5-1.8 g of protein per kg of body weight to maintain your muscles. For best results you should exercise 3-5 times a week. And if you also use Muy Mate during fasting, it will not only give you more energy and reduce your hunger pangs, but will also provide you with vitamins and important ingredients and lead to an increased fat metabolism. Try it out!
What you should remember though:
You have to get used to everything! This means that the first time will be the worst. However, once you get over it, it will get easier and the combination of fasting, mate and exercise will bring you results very quickly!
Translated with (free version)
What is Intermittent Fasting and how does it work?
Intermittent Fasting is a dietary method that alternates fasting and eating as time windows – every day! The frequency and length of the time windows depend on the method. Today, we’re going to go over the 16/8 method. This means that you fast for 16 hours and then have a window of 8 hours a day in which to eat. How one places these time windows is up to each person and can be adapted to their own daily routine. Most people who incorporate Intermittent Fasting into their lives often use a window of time from 8pm to 12am for fasting and the window of time from 12pm to 8pm for eating. Here, only breakfast is “skipped.” High-calorie drinks or small snacks during the fasting time window are absolutely taboo! Here one can fall back however to black coffee (naturally without milk) or to tea (without sugar), in order to satisfy its hunger, if it should rise sometime.
Naturally applies with this method likewise the golden rule for losing weight: “Take less calories to you, than you burn! It is just easier to keep the calories in check with this fasting variant, since you have a smaller period of time in which you are allowed to eat the food.
What are the benefits of Intermittent Fasting?
Unlike other “diet” methods, Intermittent Fasting does not restrict food choices. It can be used compatibly with all diets, such as veganism, paleo, vegetarianism. It is a different approach, but where weight regulation is also one of the main goals. Fasting allows more freedom in the eating window itself. Attention – of course, this does not mean that you can eat everything you want in the 8 hour food window. Again, for better and faster progress, stick to healthy and mostly unprocessed foods. With Intermittent Fasting, you have more control over the intake of your food and therefore the intake of your calories. In addition, it is also compatible with social life as you can eat big meals for lunch and dinner.
Afraid you won’t be able to get through the mornings without eating? – We explain how mate can help you with that!
How can Muy Mate help with Intermittent Fasting?
Mate tea is one of the low calorie drinks mentioned above, which you are allowed to consume during the fasting time frame. However, Muy Mate is not only one of the allowed drinks, but is also recommended by many, as mate is one of the so-called “natural appetite suppressants”. The caffeine in mate helps you feel less hungry. It also gives you enough energy for the morning and your daily tasks at work until your first meal.
However, mate is additionally more stomach friendly than coffee, as the substances are less acidic and much less likely to cause stomach problems or cramps.
If you want to support your Intermittent Fasting and health goals through exercise, mate is also a perfect aid for your fat loss. Consuming mate increases fat metabolism during exercise, which makes the combination of fasting and exercise the perfect solution for weight loss.
This means you should not only fast, but also exercise at least 3 times a week for better results, while meeting your protein needs to maintain your muscles.
What kind of interaction can be achieved?
If your goal is weight loss, you need to be consistent with fasting and exercise. The most important thing is that you first choose the time slots for you so that they fit perfectly into your daily routine. Then you should determine your daily calorie consumption (there are numerous websites for this). To lose weight you should reduce your calorie consumption by about 300-400 calories. At the same time you should also make sure that you consume at least 1.5-1.8 g of protein per kg of body weight to maintain your muscles. For best results you should exercise 3-5 times a week. And if you also use Muy Mate during fasting, it will not only give you more energy and reduce your hunger pangs, but will also provide you with vitamins and important ingredients and lead to an increased fat metabolism. Try it out!
What you should remember though:
You have to get used to everything! This means that the first time will be the worst. However, once you get over it, it will get easier and the combination of fasting, mate and exercise will bring you results very quickly!
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